My name is Don and I created Wild Plan to scratch my own itch. I’m an outdoor enthusiast and I spend a lot of time camping, overlanding, and backpacking. I love the outdoors, but planning these adventures has always been chaotic, especially with larger groups of friends. Things can get complicated.
I have even passed up on a few camping trips just because I didn’t want to deal with the stress of planning. Gathering the gear, trying to communicate to others where we’re camping and when, what are we going to eat…you get the idea.
The idea for Wild Plan had been bouncing around in my head for years, but I wasn’t quite sure what it was or how it should work. After thinking about it and talking to some fellow campers, I sketched out each feature, solving the pain points that I frequently experienced.

After an 8-day overlanding trip in the San Juan Mountains in Colorado (pondering the app the whole time), I got to work building the app and completed it in 3 months. So yeah, I’m the sole creator and developer of the app (with input from friends). Just one guy with an idea and a code editor.
The app is far from complete and will be evolving over time. That’s where you come in. If you have suggestions or feedback about the app, I would love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me here.
That’s the story of Wild Plan, but the story has only just begun.